
Race Photos
Photos from prior years are available on several different platforms. For photos across years going back to 2004, see Shutterfly. See also Evan Pilchik Photography for 2022 photos. 2023 photo sets: 1-miler and 4-miler, as well as more from the 4-miler.

Race Results
Top Finishers: Males, Females.
Full results from 2024 Skip's Run, and 2023 Skip's Run.

About Skip Matthews
4-Mile Skip Matthews Memorial Run
Skip Matthews was an exceptional friend, parent, and husband who was lost to brain cancer in October 2003. Skip's Run is an annual Father's Day event that we hold to commemorate his wonderful life, and to share stories about his escapades.

About Brady Bukowski
1-Mile Brady Bukowski Fun Run/Walk
Brady Bukowski was a fun loving preschooler who lived life to the fullest. Brady excelled at everything he attempted, from a forward roll at gymnastics, jumping into the deep end at swimming lessons or hitting a whiffle ball. He liked helping Daddy with Handy Manny projects and doing yard work. He could usually be found in Spiderman pants, shirts and socks and could never be convinced to wear anything with buttons. Brady shared his love of the outdoors with his dad and could identify all the mountain peaks visible from his backyard.
Brady valiantly fought a rare brain cancer that, by April 2012, was too much for even this superhero to defeat. He would be so proud to see all of his friends and family participating in the Skip Matthews Memorial Run and the Brady Bukowski Run/Walk. This Father's day we will be running to remember Brady.